You pay $8/month to an edgelord tyrant for a blue checkmark. I pay $10/month to a small business to maintain my chunk of freedom of speech. We are not the same.
@dave An edgelord tyrant who doesn’t know how to run a Social Media company anywhere but into the toilet.
@fuzzface look, I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just saying there’s a sweet spot where the graph of idiots paying $8/mo and the graph of operational costs for the miniscule remaining user base will intersect. He’s just taking the express train to get there.
@dave The ending of that movie will be somewhat similar to the end of Silver Streak, just less funny.
@dave I find the shakedown for $1000 a month for some folks to be hilarious. I have to wonder if he wakes up every day going “Who can I annoy and drive away today?”